Thursday, April 19, 2012

[HRDLCK] Team Randoms

Yesterday in League of Legends (LoL) I was invited onto a friend's ranked 5s team named [HRDLCK] Team Randoms. As you can imagine, the point of the team is to random and then lock, while still attempting to maintain the current meta game of solo top, solo mid, jungler, support, carry as best as possible and to just have fun.

The first game I randomed Anivia who I had only ever played once or twice around the time I had originally began playing LoL. Needless to say, I went mid with the bird vs the enemy Galio. We had a Katarina top vs enemy Wukong. Bottom was AD Twisted Fate and Leona vs enemy Janna and Caitlyn. Our jungler was Gragas and the enemy's was Maokai.

I ended up going 5/0/12 with only being egged 2 or 3 times during team fights, but never finished off. Somehow we ended up winning against this team, which was a surprise to all of us (I suppose we did have a lot of AoE damage, not to mention some pro walls on my part). I ended up building a Will of the Ancients, Rod of Ages, Sorcerer's Shoes, Abyssal Scepter, and was working on my Rabadon's Deathcap by the end of the game.

The second game I randomed Jax and had to mid against a Lulu. We had a Taric and Pantheon bot lane vs a Soraka and Graves. Malphite was solo top vs a Riven and it was our jungle Olaf vs their jungle Mundo. We had a rough time throughout the match until our Olaf threw a blind axe to get vision of Baron, stealing it in the process and netting us the gamechanging buff. From that point forward we began to dominate team fights and simply grew too strong in the late game that they couldn't handle us. At one point on Jax I jumped into the entire enemy team with just my Taric supporting me, as they were trying to take down our vulnerable inhibitor with my team respawning and running forward. I instantly activate my stun and jump into the middle of them all, focusing Soraka first as the rest of my team rushes in and we begin to clean them up one by one, not letting a single escape. This forced the surrender of the enemy team as we would have simply pushed to their base at this point and won otherwise. That match I went 12/7/11 and built a Wriggle's Lantern, Mercury Treads, Frozen Mallet, Atma's Impaler, Warmog's, and was in the process of building a Madred's.

When LoL Replay allows uploads I will upload the matches.

And a reminder, if you ever want to play League of Legends with me, feel free to add Zyrinn to your friend's list!

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