Since Guild Wars 2 isn't out yet, most of my free gaming time is spent playing League of Legends. I'm personally more a fan of dominion, but a lot of my friends are big rift players so I'll play Summoner's Rift with them often. If you want to add me my summoner name is Zyrinn.
In Dominion I tend towards playing the tanky dps/initiator, usually Warwick, in particular. Although I have gone bottom on occasion I haven't practiced it with 'top tier' champions, it's usually if no one else on my team wants to go bot and I end up being stuck doing it. I like Warwick a lot in Dominion as he's a great initiator and he has great sustain. The biggest downside to him I feel is that if you haven't found a chance to recall he gets severely hampered by his mana pool (You run out of mana really fast if you use his Q to heal up and his W to help clear minions faster.)
My first match of Dominion today was a Victory! I played as Warwick and went 8/3/10, which is pretty respectable. I was a little nervous at first about our team comp. We had: Jax, Alistair (AP), Cassiopeia, and Galio (Bot Lane). We didn't have a ton of good harass, but we had a good amount of front line bruisers to help protect Cassiopeia. The opposing team was made up of Sona (On-hit/AD?), Lulu (AS+CD), Kennen (AP), Riven, and Malzahar (Bot Lane), so they had a good chunk of CC's in the form of stuns (Kennen, Riven, Sona), and snares/polymorph (Lulu). But we ended up being victorious as our team had better map awareness and knew how to play together properly to protect our carries. Not to mention that the opposing team had very weird builds and were extremely squishy.
Favorite Champions
Dominion: Warwick, Lulu, Jax
Summoner's Rift: Lulu, Janna, Sona (Can you tell I mostly play support? Most of my friends like playing the other roles)
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