Monday, April 23, 2012

Weekend Re-cap

Let's start the weekend recap off with Friday's events. On Friday we went to our usual FNM (Friday Night Magic) and played Booster Draft (DKA, DKA, DKA). Unfortunately for me this time, I went into heavy red, and didn't end up splashing another color (Big mistake, I really should have splashed green, I could have made it worked) but still won my first match up (2-0!). Sadly that didn't allow me to place in the top 4 as there were 10 people in my pod and I would have had to won my second match up to have succeeded. On the positive side of things, my fiance was able to win his pod and we walked away with a FNM Promo Dismember (Like the picture but a foil and with a different set icon) and 5 booster packs (Of which we chose Innistrad) I also ended up pulling an Elbrus, the Binding Blade (A mythic rare, only worth about 1$ though, but great flavor!) and a few other interesting cards. Of note, in the boosters we won, we got a Snapcaster Mage (A rare, but worth 15-20$) and a Reaper from the Abyss (A mythic rare, but only worth about .50$)

Now over the course of the weekend the Diablo 3 Open Beta (Stress Test) was running, so of course we had to delve into that! I started off with the Demon Hunter class and enjoyed it thoroughly. Most of the information about Diablo 3 is readily available on their website but it's definitely worth a look if you were a fan of Diablo 2 or a fan of the dungeon crawler loot type games (Such as Torchlight, which I'm sad to see that Torchlight 2 isn't going to be released before Diablo 3) Now since it was a stress test and a beta the graphics were running a bit choppy for me for part of the time but cleared up near the mid to end, but I think that was purely an issue with the beta, as my computer has more power than necessary to handle the game. I ended up playing through all the classes but Witch Doctor (It was the least interesting class to me) and have to say Demon Hunter and Barbarian would have to be my favorite so far, followed by Wizard then Monk respectively. They are all enjoyable in their own ways though and each have their own unique playstyle.

Finally to end the weekend with some League of Legends action! LoL Replay updated so replay uploads were allowed again so I have done that and will now be able to show off [HRDLCK] Team Randoms true skill at Ranked 5s. I will only upload the victories as the loses are pretty sad and pathetic, although I wasn't present for one, which is clearly why they lost! So far our team is 3 Wins and 2 Loses, which isn't bad for ranked, especially for a ranked team that plays all random. This most recent game I was playing as Poppy. I haven't played Poppy since I started playing LoL. I think I was running my AP rune page but ended up going more AD in the end, building a Triforce first (which is more hybrid) Then went into a Wriggles for some lifesteal, and finished with parts of the components to an Infinity Edge. As you can see in the video it was a tough early-mid game as the enemy Talon got fed very early and could easily Full-Nothing our Jax amongst other characters. Also our Kassadin had never played Kassadin before. Thankfully we persevered to late game where Talon begins to fall off as most of our champions gain more health and armor to negate his damage.

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